Body Mirror by Jean-Paul Bourdier (signed)
Body Mirror by Jean-Paul Bourdier (signed)
This body of work is a contemplation of human beings’ passage on earth and their intimate interrelation with the environment. Besides the formal exploration of light, geometries, colors, and performances as a means to express the nature of experience (unbound by language), the book attempts to bring humor or poetry to the things we are increasingly attached to — fixed identities of nature, culture, gravity, recognizable spaces, naming, framing, gender, or the color of our skin. It points at the invisible within the visible, or the vertical nature of being (and its mirror-like quality) within our horizontal way of living (where mind, time, and space condition our experiences). The naked body is seen as our primary indivisible unit of perception colored by our thinking mind. Many of the colors painted on the body are an allusion to the range of our chameleon-like ego; desires spanning from being invisible or transparent to wanting to be singular, attractive, or protective. The interview stanzas (featuring interviewers from Russia, Colombia, Korea, Germany, and United States) and photographs in this book intersect with one another to further imply the resonance between every action or thought, and every element of this world.