Body Unbound by Jean-Paul Bourdier (signed)
Body Unbound by Jean-Paul Bourdier (signed)
Jean-Paul Bourdier is a photographer of unique style, skilled passion and compelling imagination. His images balance across the nexus of multiple crafts- among them painting, poetry, and performance art. His work is stunningly original, brimming with self-assurance, and paradoxically, both simple and yet complex. Each image is a unique scene - created, staged, captured - of natural landscapes joined with the human form, expressing beauty, truth and wonder in the physical plane, as well as what is in our imaginations. Jean-Paul uses no digital enhancement; it is all analog photography. What you see on the page is what was really there. In Body Unbound, Jean-Paul explores the cycle of human existence through our passage through birth, life, and death. For the first time, he also reveals his contemplative thoughts on his work and its relationship to the universe that surrounds us.